
Saeculo XXI

Spatia Communitatis (PS21).
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Use case: Crafting Integrated CRM Systems for SME Success


An SME sought to enhance its customer relationship management (CRM) capabilities by integrating a new CRM system with existing factory modules in their enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, which includes production, supply chain, and finance. The company hired a consultant from a prestigious consulting agency, who had expertise in IT systems but limited experience outside a single large corporation.

Problem: The consultant, adhering strictly to textbook KPIs and standardised methodologies, failed to consider the SME's unique market position, internal business cycle, and informal business practices. This led to several key issues:

  1. Misapplication of KPIs

    • The consultant applied generic KPIs without adapting them to the specific industry context, leading to misaligned performance measurements and misguided strategic decisions.
  2. Incorrect Market Positioning

    • Misjudging the company's market position and development stage, the consultant selected technological solutions that did not fit the company's current needs or growth trajectory.
  3. Monolithic CRM Development

    • The consultant's approach to CRM development was overly rigid, pushing for a complete overhaul of the ERP system rather than integrating CRM capabilities into existing workflows and processes. This not only disrupted operations but also failed to leverage the unique advantages of the company's established systems.

Polymath Profile

A polymath, as defined by PS21, possesses extensive knowledge across multiple domains and can integrate this knowledge to navigate complex, dynamic environments. Unlike specialists, polymaths can draw from diverse fields to provide more nuanced and adaptable solutions (PS21, 2023a; PS21, 2023b; PS21, 2023c).

Why a Polymath Would Have Excelled:

  1. Contextual KPI Application:

    • A polymath would understand that KPIs must be tailored to the specific industry and context. They would consider factors such as market dynamics, company size, and unique business practices, ensuring that the performance metrics align with the SME's strategic objectives and operational realities (PS21, 2023a).
  2. Accurate Market Positioning:

    • With broad knowledge and practical experience across various industries, a polymath would better assess the SME's market position and development stage. This holistic understanding would lead to the selection of CRM solutions that support current capabilities while being scalable for future growth (PS21, 2023b).
  3. Adaptive CRM Integration:

    • Rather than imposing a one-size-fits-all solution, a polymath would approach CRM development with flexibility. They would integrate CRM features into the existing ERP system, respecting and enhancing current processes. This integrative approach minimizes disruption and optimizes the use of existing resources, providing a tailored solution that meets the SME's specific needs (PS21, 2023c).

Recruitment Justification

The recruitment of a polymath would have been crucial for this project due to their ability to integrate diverse knowledge areas and adapt strategies in real-time. This comprehensive understanding ensures that the CRM system not only aligns with the company's existing infrastructure but also enhances overall business processes, providing a competitive advantage in the market (PS21, 2023a; PS21, 2023b).


A polymath's unique blend of skills and insights is essential for complex projects like CRM and ERP integration. Their ability to understand and apply theories in real-world, dynamic settings makes them invaluable for SMEs navigating the intricacies of modern business systems. This approach not only avoids the pitfalls of rigid, monolithic strategies but also ensures a more effective and sustainable integration.


PS21. (2023a). Cracking the Polymath Code: The Quest for Polymathic Psychometrics. Retrieved from https://polymati21.blogspot.com

PS21. (2023b). Embracing One's Uniqueness: Why Would You Want to Become a Polymath?. Retrieved from https://polymati21.blogspot.com

PS21. (2023c). Join us: Polymati Saeculo XXI. Retrieved from https://polymati21.blogspot.com

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PS21 es un grupo de trabajo formado por personas polímatas que ponen sus habilidades al servicio de las empresas e instituciones para la innovación y creación de soluciones inteligentes facilitando así la transición hacia la economía 5.0.


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