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The Controversy of Defining a Polymath: A Debate on Titles and Talents


The definition of a polymath has long been a subject of debate. PS21, a prominent advocate for recognizing polymathic abilities, defines a polymath as someone who holds formal titles in at least three distinct disciplines. This criterion aims to distinguish polymaths from generalists, Renaissance individuals, or multi-disciplinary researchers by emphasizing formal recognition across multiple fields (PS21, 2023a). However, this definition has sparked controversy, particularly regarding its exclusion of practical arts and non-traditional disciplines.

The Argument for Formal Titles

Proponents argue that formal titles provide a clear and verifiable measure of expertise, distinguishing polymaths from those with broad but superficial knowledge. This standard ensures a tangible benchmark for recognizing a polymath's proficiency across different domains (PS21, 2023b).

Challenges to the Three-Title Definition

Critics contend that the emphasis on formal titles excludes many individuals with polymathic qualities, particularly those in practical arts and non-traditional fields. They argue that expertise and mastery can also be demonstrated through practical accomplishments and skills rather than just academic credentials (PS21, 2023c). Moreover, the current systems for accrediting learning, such as ESCO (European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations) and ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education by UNESCO), aim to standardize and make learning accreditation more objective. However, these systems often fail to capture the personal and holistic nature of learning, reducing competencies and skills to fragmented tokens (ESCO, 2024; UNESCO, 2024). This approach does not adequately reflect the complexity of learning types and professional profiles.

Why Some Polymaths Might Go Undetected

  1. Encouragement to Specialize

    • Polymaths often face societal and educational pressures to specialize, leading them to understate their broader capabilities. This can result in their diverse talents being overlooked, as they may focus on a single discipline to the detriment of others (PS21, 2023d).
  2. Cost and Accessibility of Formal Titles

    • Obtaining formal titles, especially from prestigious institutions, can be prohibitively expensive. While polymaths may have the capacity to study while working full-time, financial constraints often limit their access to formal recognition. This highlights the need for integrating polymath education into public and/or open access schooling systems, making it more accessible to a wider audience (PS21, 2023e).
  3. Alternative Pathways to Recognition

    • The rise of open-access courses and certifications from reputable institutions like IBM and European Schoolnet provides alternative pathways for polymaths to gain recognition. These platforms allow for flexible, affordable education, which can be crucial for late-detected polymaths seeking to formalize their knowledge (IBM, 2024; European Schoolnet, 2024).

Guild-like Education System

PS21 advocates for a guild-like educational system that incorporates initiation levels to foster and recognize polymathic skills from an early stage. This system not only provides a structured pathway for developing and showcasing talents across various fields but also aims to reintegrate the concept of "mastery" in education. The dynamics of searching for and applying to a master—viewed as a unique mentor rather than just a school—are emphasized. This approach reflects the idea that schools are not merely physical buildings but are defined by lines or traditions of thought, such as the "Austrian School" of economics or Leontiev's tradition in psychology. However, the challenge with such a system lies in its subjective nature, particularly as seen in medieval-type guilds, where subjective judgments often played a significant role (PS21, 2023f).

The Unique Nature of Polymathy

Being a polymath involves a deep, intrinsic motivation to solve real-world problems, often across multiple fields. This drive is not necessarily linked to acquiring titles or better job positions but rather to understanding and addressing complex challenges. This characteristic sets polymaths apart from others who may pursue broad knowledge primarily for academic or career advancement.

A Nuanced Understanding of Polymathy

While formal titles offer a clear metric for recognizing polymaths, they are not the sole indicator of such capabilities. Recognizing polymathic talent requires a nuanced approach that values practical achievements and interdisciplinary synthesis, alongside formal academic accolades. This broader perspective is crucial for accurately identifying and supporting polymaths, as it considers both formal qualifications and the unique, often practical, experiences that contribute to a polymath's expertise across diverse fields.


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PS21 es un grupo de trabajo formado por personas polímatas que ponen sus habilidades al servicio de las empresas e instituciones para la innovación y creación de soluciones inteligentes facilitando así la transición hacia la economía 5.0.


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