Overthinking in Multiple-Choice Exams: A Polymath’s Dilemma Yesterday, I sat for an exam and came across a situation that left me reflecti...
Goethe and the Quest for Unity: Colour Theory, Oriental Religions, and Science
Goetheanum Grosser Saal by Taxiarchos228, (FAL 1.3), via Wikimedia Commons Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Bridging East and West through Poly...
Learning and the Quest for Truth: Integrating Disciplines for Coherence and Completeness
Anonymous (PD) - Camille Flammarion, L'Atmosphère: Météorologie Populaire (Paris, 1888), pp. 163. Wood encraving recolourised. Polymathy...
Giambattista della Porta: The Timeless Appeal of Polymathy
Giambattista della Porta, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Giambattista_della_Porta.jpeg Poly...
The Complexities of Intelligence: Why Thinking Hurts and the Role of Different Cognitive Systems
Introduction Intelligence is a multifaceted concept, often associated with the ability to think, reason, and solve problems. However, eme...
Lessons Learned: The Perils of Perfectionism in Home Renovation
Photo by Blue Bird: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-painting-the-wall-with-a-roller-brush-721 8683/ My apartment was in dire need of a fr...
The Importance of Competing as a Polymath: A Personal Journey
Dr Tabea Hirzel with the bust of Unamuno at the Unamuno House Museum in Salamanca, 2018. Introduction This is a personal reflection by me, T...
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