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Angela Cotelessa Meyer


Profile of Angela Cotellessa Meyer

Angela Cotellessa Meyer is an accomplished academic with a diverse background in social sciences. She earned her doctorate in Human and Organizational Learning from George Washington University and holds a master’s degree in Communication Management from the University of Southern California. Her undergraduate studies at the University of Southern California were equally impressive, where she double-majored in Psychology and Communication as a Presidential Scholar. Meyer also has experience in public service, having interned for the Governor of California in 1999 and at the White House in 2005 (Meyer, 2023).

Is Angela Cotelessa Meyer a Polymath?

According to PS21's criteria, Angela Cotellessa Meyer would not be classified as a polymath. Although her academic and professional achievements are substantial, her work remains within the interconnected fields of social sciences, particularly focusing on organizational sciences. PS21 considers her to be a well-rounded expert rather than a polymath, as her areas of expertise do not span a broad enough range of distinct disciplines.

The Challenge of Defining Polymathy

In today's educational environment, there is a trend towards increasing specialization, with academic fields continuously subdividing into narrower domains. This phenomenon has led to more individuals being labelled as polymaths, as the barriers between disciplines appear less distinct. However, this is concerning to PS21, as it often leads to a dilution of the term's meaning.

Meyer's Perspective on Polymathy

Angela Cotellessa Meyer has expressed concern that the definition of polymathy might be overly narrow, potentially excluding individuals from being recognized as polymaths. She worries that such a narrow definition could create an exclusionary "club" that is difficult for many to access (Meyer, n.d.).

She articulated her concern as follows:

"I think it is dangerous to define polymathy too narrowly because if polymathy is only Leonardo Da Vinci, and it's only you are highly expert in three things at the same time, then what that will do, I think, is discourage real people from even trying, because they say that's too much, too arduous."

This perspective contrasts with how other mental divergences, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder or ADHD, are handled. In those cases, there is often a push for clearer definitions to aid in understanding and diagnosis, without concerns that these definitions might discourage individuals from seeking identification or support.

PS21's Concerns and Observations

PS21 questions why anyone would aspire to become a polymath, much like how people do not aspire to develop conditions such as Asperger's Syndrome. The current societal fascination with polymathy often portrays it as a superhuman trait, an elite status, or a solution to global problems. However, PS21 does not endorse this view; they see polymathy as a specific way of engaging with the world that is not inherently superior.

Meyer's stance is seen as problematic by PS21, especially as she appears to suggest that polymaths are not "real people," which is perceived as offensive and discriminatory. Additionally, PS21 criticises her for failing to address the genuine challenges and suffering that some polymaths experience, a situation that may affect a small but significant group of individuals. This oversight underscores a broader issue within the discourse on polymathy, where the romanticisation of the concept can overshadow the real and complex experiences of those who identify as polymaths.


Meyer, A. C. (2023). About. Retrieved from https://www.drangelameyers.com/about-drangela

Meyer, A. C. (n.d.). Truth About Polymathy: What You Didn't Know. Retrieved from https://es.pinterest.com/pin/818388563563966427/

Meyer, A. C. (n.d.). Image Source. Retrieved from https://www.drangelameyers.com/

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