
Saeculo XXI

Spatia Communitatis (PS21).
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PS21 Polymath Self-Assessment

Welcome to the PS21 Polymath Self-Assessment! Are you curious about your cognitive orientation? Do you wonder if you have the qualities of a polymath, a specialist, or perhaps a generalist? 

This self-assessment is designed to provide you with insights into your cognitive profile and how it aligns with the categories of expertise. 

Photo by Sarah  Chai: https://www.pexels.com/photo/young-working-mother-cuddling-baby-and-using-laptop-at-home-7282818/

By taking this assessment, you'll gain a better understanding of your unique strengths and areas for growth. Plus, it's a fascinating way to explore your cognitive diversity. 

Ready to begin your journey of self-discovery? 

 Let's get started!

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PS21 es un grupo de trabajo formado por personas polímatas que ponen sus habilidades al servicio de las empresas e instituciones para la innovación y creación de soluciones inteligentes facilitando así la transición hacia la economía 5.0.


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